Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Kingston Lacy in Dorset was host to another of our DSLR part 1 photography courses last Saturday 9th July. Once again our eager photography students wandered through the woodland paths, discovered the Japanese gardens and photographed some excellent details from the estates formal gardens. The standard of photographs taken was in many cases exceptional for a part 1 course. It gives me great pleasure in showing some of the images taken.
The following pictures taken by Frances show fantastic control over depth of field from close up. These were taken with a 2.8 lens and show how small depth of field can be when working so close to your subject. This is    used to great effect with the images.

The following few images were taken by Becky, the youngest of our delegates last Saturday. Becky at just 15 years of age shows a good eye for photographic composition and should become an accomplished photographer if she keeps it up.

Chris took the following 3 images and demonstrates good composition and control of depth of field.

Next  a couple of great shots taken by Jayne followed by a few more quirky images from Kingston Lacy taken by Sayma.

Finally Richard shows how to use depth of field in composing images, keeping close up detail sharp and making the background slightly blurred.